Do you remember the demonstration
staged by Iranian students one week ago, on Monday, December 11, against President Mahmamoud Ahmadinejad? Yes, when they lightened a firecracker and burned the head of state's photograph calling him a dictator as he himself was speaking at Amir Kabir Technical University in Tehran. Well, as a result, about seventy students have been “awarded” through the new "star rating" system which has been recently adopted by University authorities for politically-active students. However, as
The Telegraph reported,
the star system has become a badge of honour among those who have acquired them on their records. Students have likened it to the German Nazi-era practice of making Jews wear the Star of David.
the rest to learn more.
This while
early returns are showing hard-line President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's conservative opponents leading in elections for local councils, and former Iranian president Hashemi Rafsanjani is leading the race for a seat on a powerful clerical body.
qui http://www.petitiononline.com/Neturei/petition.html si trova una petizione che chiede alle sinagoghe di pronunciare cherem (=scomunica, più o meno) contro i Neture Karta, quei signori che sono andati a omaggiare Ahmadinedjaad a Teheran.
ReplyDeleteI promotori della petizione sono le principali organizzazioni ortodosse di New York.
Fimate e fate firmare ai vostri amici (chi non ha un amico ebreo, oggigiorno ?)