In addition, Biagi was a terrific hard worker. As Corriere della Sera newspaper editor Paolo Mieli told the Italian news agency Apcom, “he used to tell me: 'If there's some assignment that some lazy journalist doesn't want, call me and I'll go.'” Laziness was actually unknown to him since he had alternated articles for many daily newspapers and magazines with TV work and writing a huge amount of books, mostly popular works—and several of them best-sellers in Italy. It was not by chance that famous satirist Sergio Saviane, referring to his prolificity and versatility, used to call him “Fenomeno Biagi.” But Saviane, who was himself a master, though of ambiguity, wasn’t entitled to appreciate Biagi’s legendary straightforward writing style.
Today, Italy mourns a “Witness of the Twentieth Century,” as many daily newspapers have chosen to title. But the statement doesn’t give the whole picture. If I had to pick a sentence that sums up Biagi's life I would like this quote by Biagi himself, recalled by his fellow colleague Gian Antonio Stella in the Corriere della Sera, to be it:
I would have been a journalist even without pay—thank goodness my publishers have never realized it.
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