“It is my pleasure to announce my support for America's Mayor, Rudy Giuliani, a proven leader who is not afraid of what lies ahead and who will cast a hopeful vision for all Americans.”
Those are the words with which prominent Christian leader and social conservative Pat Robertson announced his support for Republican presidential candidate Rudy Giuliani. This could obviously have a big impact on the presidential campaign by helping Giuliani to reassure Republican voters who have been wary of his support for abortion rights.
Rudy, said Robertson in a statement issued by the Giuliani campaign,
“took a city that was in decline and considered ungovernable and reduced its violent crime, revitalized its core, dramatically lowered its taxes, cut through a welter of bureaucratic regulations, and did so in the spirit of bipartisanship which is so urgently needed in Washington today.”
See here for more excerpts from Robertson's endorsement.