I am experiencing firsthand the benefits of being on Facebook. In fact, since I got my Facebook account a few days ago, I have been able to participate in groups such as “Support the Monks' protest in Burma,” and to receive—this very morning—“real-time” information about initiatives such as DON'T FORGET BURMA, that is
a new groundbreaking campaign launched to show the world that normal people have not forgotten Burma and to show the brave pro-democracy protestors who took to the streets a few weeks ago that the world has not forgotten them.
Since the media spotlight above Burma is dimming day after day, I think this is a very interesting way to draw people’s attention to the fact that now more than ever Burma needs their support!
Please go to http://www.dontforgetburma.org/ to see what DON'T FORGET BURMA is all about and do your part, as did the author of the above picture.
ReplyDeleteI read the post title in Tocqueville. Looks like we both care :-)
I think you will find some of the links in my blog quite interesting...
Well met! ;op
Well met, ajk! I'll have a look at your stuff as soon as I can.