Those words, uttered in a moment of the highest international tension because of the events in Gaza, may sound very meaningful to them who have ears to hear.
On the same occasion, the Dalai Lama had also kind words for the outgoing President of the U.S., George W Bush: “I love President George W Bush,” he said leaving the audience stunned and recalling how he and the US President instantly struck a chord in their first meeting. “I told him ‘I love you but some of your policies I oppose’,” he added.
What shall I say? I wonder if the Tibetan spiritual leader could have ever spoken more highly of one of the most hated world leaders in history. My answer is, “probably not.” And I think I know why, as well as President-elect Barack Obama, who said last Friday on CNN that George W. Bush is a good guy. “If you look at my statements throughout the campaign, I always thought he was a good guy, I mean, I think personally he is a good man who loves his family and loves his country. And I think he made the best decisions that he could at times under some very difficult circumstances.”
Well, if these are the premises, I think history will be fair to George W. Bush.
On the same occasion, the Dalai Lama had also kind words for the outgoing President of the U.S., George W Bush: “I love President George W Bush,” he said leaving the audience stunned and recalling how he and the US President instantly struck a chord in their first meeting. “I told him ‘I love you but some of your policies I oppose’,” he added.
What shall I say? I wonder if the Tibetan spiritual leader could have ever spoken more highly of one of the most hated world leaders in history. My answer is, “probably not.” And I think I know why, as well as President-elect Barack Obama, who said last Friday on CNN that George W. Bush is a good guy. “If you look at my statements throughout the campaign, I always thought he was a good guy, I mean, I think personally he is a good man who loves his family and loves his country. And I think he made the best decisions that he could at times under some very difficult circumstances.”
Well, if these are the premises, I think history will be fair to George W. Bush.