(Click on the above titles to go to the next two letters, or use the links below)
A is for Anagram
An Anagram
Could be
A Ganaram.
It might even be
A Nagaram.
But if it isn't
A Magaram
Then it can only be
A Ragaman.
B is for Bagpipes
Mc Tavish blew his bagpipes
As his kilt flapped in the wind
Standing nobly on the hillside,
Bonnier sight ye ne'er would find.
Both his blue knees they did tremble
With emotion and with cold,
But he tunelessly kept playing
Being deaf as well as bold.
'Bonnier sight ye ne'er' would find: 'A more beautiful sight you would never find'. (Scottish dialect)
Text & image © Mirino (PW) June, 2009