A battle raged over the summer, especially in August. The Democrats tried to push through HR 3200 which would totally usurp all individual health resources, before their August recess. (They of course deny it would do any such thing.) The reason is because they knew there would be hell to pay when congressmen went back to their districts. They were right. Town hall meetings were packed. Apparently these elected politicians forgot they are the employees of the people. They began yelling back at them and insulting them (attendees only started yelling and booing when the politician told a blatant lie). People would read directly from the bill about some usurpation of choice and freedom, and the politician would still deny it was in the bill.
Now it’s come to this. If you oppose Obama on any issue you’re a racist. Some of the other things people opposing him have been called are ‘domestic terrorists’ and ‘Nazi’. These are being hurled at the political opposition by all the Main Stream Media (MSM) and the leaders of the Democrat Party. So much for objective reporting and good leadership qualities.
There have been “Tea Parties” since about April of this year. They started as anti-tax increase rallies, and grew in size every month until there are millions. They have been called ‘teabaggers’ which we learned was a homosexual sex act. Who knew? Then the terrorist, Nazi, and the rest.
It comes down to this. If you oppose the nationalization of health care, “ObamaCare”, you are a racist. If you oppose the nationalization of the banks, you are a racist. If you oppose the nationalization of car companies, you are a racist. If you oppose the nationalization of the insurance industry, you are a racist. If you oppose his decision to not provide missile defense in Central Europe, you are a racist. From a personal attack on me for defending myself from the charge of being a racist, it turns out that if you say you have friends and family of many races and love them, and had friends of many races that died in combat at your side, then you are using “race credentials” and shows that you’re even a bigger racist. Charles Krauthammer has a great observation about all this here. (He's a psychiatrist as well as a columnist.)
Obama said with his election, we will live in a post racial America. He has not said one thing to stop these vile, hateful attacks on his political opposition. Sure glad to live in a post racial Amerika.