May 21, 2010

Why Rome is not Athens

National debt. Pourquoi Rome n’est pas Athènes? And at what price will the comparison between Rome and Athens remain a subject of debate for lovers of ancient history?

Le Monde answers as follow …


  1. Yes, Rome is not Athens, because of our banks, our sound economy and our families, sparing- rather than debt-oriented. The people are good and have money enough to help in case of 'redde rationem'.

    But, Berlusconi - I believe by now you know what I think about his government, which has merits nonetheless: I like Brunetta and what he represents, for example etc. - Berlusconi, I was saying, is he doing enough for our economy? Most of all, are changing the Constitution or limiting basic freedoms such big priorities for the people?

    [Or are they priorities for him and his amici only?]



    It has been a pleasure to have you back at my place, friend. And, btw, I have 'come out' a bit. My father and all his family were from the Piedmontese Valois (Valdesi) valleys over Pinerolo. Austere Calvinistic people indeed. But he spent most of his life in Rome - as an alien, poor papà - while mamma was a 7-generation Roman. 2 totally different worlds, and I, a bad DID case :-)

  2. Brunetta, Maroni, Tremonti... I think they are a very good team. Is Berlusca doing enough for our economy? Well, I think Tremonti is doing well--who else matters in the end, economically speaking? Caio!
