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Gerardo Dottori, "Incendio sulla città" (1926, olio su tela) Perugia, Museo Civico di Palazzo della Penna |
My latest on American Thinker:
"On September 19, 2019, accepting the Defender of Western Civilization award from the Intercollegiate Studies Institute at the fourteenth annual Gala for Western Civilization, Sir Roger Scruton gave a splendid address, his last one before he left this world after battling cancer. The core message of the speech was that if Western civilization is under attack, this is happening precisely because it's Western, and "the word Western has been taken to be a standard term of abuse by so many people in the world today." Yet, he explained, Western civilization is not even close to what its detractors think it is — namely, some narrow, small-minded thing called Western. It is instead "an inheritance, constantly expanding, constantly including new things. It is something which has given us the knowledge of the human heart, which has enabled us to produce not just wonderful economies and the wonderful ways of living in the world that are ours, but also the great works of art, the religions, the systems of law and government, all the other things which make it actually possible for us to recognize that we live in this world, insofar as possible, successfully." That's why "we shouldn't despair of Western civilization." We're talking about, he concluded, "an open, generous, and creative thing called civilization."
Sir Roger's remarks came to my mind as soon as I read the first pages of Suicidio occidentale (Western Suicide), the new book by Federico Rampini, a prominent Italian journalist who lives in the U.S. and holds Italian and American citizenship. If an attack in the heart of Europe caught us unprepared, he argues with reference to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, it is because we were engaged in our own cultural disarmament and self-destruction. The dominant ideology spread by elites in universities and in the media requires us to demolish self-esteem and blame ourselves for almost everything that goes wrong in the world. According to this ideological dictatorship, he says, we Western countries no longer have values to offer the world and the new generations; we only have sins to expiate and lessons to learn.
This is the suicide of the West. In many U.S. universities, Rampini notes, it is impossible for non-extremists on issues of sex and gender to have freedom of speech. The New York Times in particular, says Rampini, bears heavy responsibility in this regard for playing a central role in the creation of Critical Race Theory. Putin's aggression on Ukraine, backed by Xi Jinping, he concludes, is a consequence of the fact that the two major autocracies know we are sabotaging ourselves.
Well, that makes perfect sense, does it not? After all, isn't it true that Putin wouldn't have dared to attack Ukraine if the 45th president had gotten a second term? And this not only because of Trump's personal charisma, but also — if not mainly — because of his philosophy and anti–politically correct narrative. From this point of view, too, the change at the White House was a disaster: Joe Biden's "woke" presidency is a luxury the West couldn't and can't afford. [...]"
Read more: Western Suicide
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